MOMENTS OF CONNECTION… the special moments in which we know we make a difference. We are connected to people at the emotional peaks and valleys of their lives, from the wonder of birth to the mystery of death... Martin Buber, a Jewish theologian, talks about the I-Thou relationship, a moment in which we recognize the sacred in the other person. Nursing is made up of these sacred moments. As we share and celebrate these moments we acknowledge the art and the heart of nursing and renew our own energy and commitment to start fresh yet another day. Here are some moments that nurses have shared. Others can be found in my book, From the Heart to the Hands… Keys to health caring connections. As you read, think of your own stories and consider sharing them below. Moments of connection nurse in the community
Moments of connection starting as a nursing student
Moments of connection nurse educator/entrepreneur
Would you like to share a moment from your experience that I might use to teach new nurses or energize nurses who need a moment of reflection? Describe an incident when you felt you had truly made a connection with a patient or family member or another staff member. If you would like to sign it, I may be able to use your name. Anonymous is fine. Thank you! Send your story via Email to julia@constantsource.com or mail. Thank you!!! MENTORING... making the connection with other nurses! Would you like to be a mentor? Would you like to make contact with a potential mentor? Let's use this site to find ways to extend our own work and practice what Marsha Sinetar calls the Art of Encouragement. (see The Mentor's Spirit, St Martin's Press, New York, 1998) Send me an Email and we will work on matching people. How about a nurse poet, a nurse entrepreneur, a nurse leader? Do you like this site? Do you know someone who could use our services? Tell a colleague. Home | Meet Julia | Keynotes | Julia's Books | Client List
Moments of Connection | Spiritual Eldering | Expressive Arts in Healing
Nurse Speaker, Tampa Nurse Speaker, Keynote Speaker, Julia Balzer Riley, RN, MN, AHN-BC, REACE Copyright © 2025 Constant Source. All Rights Reserved. |